Everything - video transcript

Mike via old style video recorder:

I think it's on.
[background noise fades into music]
All right, Reg?

Zara via video message:
Mike I just wanted to wish you a very, very happy birthday.

[Mike walking into his house unaware of his birthday bbq]

[quietly, hushing the guests]
Shh, shh.
He’s back.

Zara via video message:
‘So gutted I can't be there in person-’
But  I hope you have a wonderful day.
[Mike enters the room and Everyone is cheering]
We all do!
[Indistinctive Chatter whilst Mike makes his way around the party]

Will via video message:
[Cut to Mike hugging family members at his party]
‘We can’t believe you’re turning the Big SIX-O,’
‘You don't look a day over 59.’

[spots zara]

[Hugging Mike]
- Surprise...
We proper fooled you.


You sure did.

[Taking off a face mask]
Happy Birthday, Dad!

[Hugging Chris]
- Chris! So lovely to see you mate

[Hugging Will]
Will, how you doing, mate?

I hope you’ve got plenty of veggie burgers ready.

[Mike cooing over Will’s Baby]

Don’t worry, mate we’re on it. BBq’s on...

‘Uh BBQ that’s my domain!’
[Walking over to the grill]

Will via video:
You know...
‘It's hard to put things into words.’
‘But I'll try.’

[Small boy, younger Will knocking on the door with a black sack of clothes]
[Shot of older Will washing his hands then walking ot his childhood bedroom]

Young Will:
[sat on the bed getting frustrated with Mike putting his clothes away]
What is the point?!

[Finishing putting his clothes away]
Just... pop down for some dinner
when you're ready.

[Young Will frustrated on his bed]
[Older Will reminiscing in the same spot]

[Wandering over to the bird feeder]
When I first came to stay with you,
I was so nervous.

[Showing young Zara the bird feeder]
We get plenty of sparrow
and maybe, if we’re lucky, a goldfinch.

Young Zara:
Can we go in now?
I’ve had enough.


Young Zara:
- Put it on the bun, not the burger.
That's how my dad used to do it, it’s way better.

[Mike squeezing ketchup on the Bun and smiling, trying to make Zara feel at home]

[Older Mike handing Older Zara a burger, the way she likes it]
[Zara smiling and thanking Mike]

[Teaching Zara guitar]
Play an E minor

Older Zara:
‘But I have such great memories of that time.’
[Young Zara playing the chords on the guitar]

Younger Chris:
You're a natural
You’re not a bad teacher are you, Dad?
Older Zara:
[Smiling at Mike whilst he talks to her]
‘And I hope you do, too.’
[Mike and Will flipping Burgers]

Older Chris:
Hey, you have got to see this.
[Hands Mike a video tape]
I found it in the loft.

Younger Mike on Tv via Video tape as seen in the beginning:
‘I think it's on.’

Older Chris watching Tv with Will:
Watch this, mate.

[Turns to TV with video tape playing]

Young Will:
‘Woohoo... camping!’

Older Chris:
I forgot we even filmed it.

Young Chris via Video Tape:
You alright, Will?

Young Will via video tape:
[Video plays camping montage of the boys]

Younger Chris:
Here we are looking for exotic animals.

[Younger Will smiling]

Young Chris:
[pointing up at a tree]
Oh, up there.

[The boys in a pond with a net]

Young Chris:
Oh, haha! Look at it!
[Will lifts up a animal in the net]

Young Will:
- I got something!
Oh my God...

[Montage of the boys rolling down a Hill]

Young Chris:

Younger Mike in video:
Nice straight peg.

[Younger Mike helping younger Will with his homework]

It’s alright, don’t worry.
Younger Will:
[Getting frustrated]
- I don’t get it.
What am I meant to do? It’s stupid.

It's okay.

[Cut back to video of Mike and Will pitching a tent together]

Younger will:
Think I’m starting to get the hang of this.

[Cut back to Mike and Will sat on Wills bed trying to do his homework]

Young Will:
It’s not okay! I don’t get it!
[Throws book and pencil on the floor and walks out the room]
It’s just stupid!

[In video watching Will and Chris put up the tent]
Well done.

Young Will:
- Thanks.

[Clip of them back from holiday and Mike watching Will hang his clothes up and smiling at how far he has came]
[Older Mike standing with the boys at the BBQ smiling at Zara playing the guitar]

I guess what I'm trying to say is
[Zara playing guitar]
I don't really know
what would have happened to me
Without you.

[Zara and Mike hugging through indistinctive chatter]

Will via video message:
It's hard to put things into words,
[Saying bye at party]
but I'll try.

[Wife cleaning up after everyones left]
[Mike watching videos as his wife walks up to him]
[Mike nods and continues watching]

Will via video message:
Everything I've got,
[Will and his Partner with the baby]
everything I have now...
[Will and Mike talking]
I look back and well…
[Montage of different memories of Mike and Will when he was a child]
For everything...
[Mike watching the video on his phone]
Thank you.
[Mike smiling as words on the screen appear]

What you do with your Life could forever change someone else’s.
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End screen:
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