Our Step Across to Fostering programme places children who are ready and able to move from residential care into a stable and loving home with one of our foster carers. We believe that every child deserves the chance to grow up within a family setting, surrounded by love, care and stability.
When a child is ready to leave residential care, their transition is thoroughly planned. They are matched with a compassionate foster carer who will work closely with the residential home, therapists and other professionals to facilitate a smooth move at the child's pace.
We understand that fostering a child with complex needs requires additional support and resources. That's why we offer a comprehensive package of support when you join the programme.
Regular visits and contact
For the first 8 weeks, children receive regular visits or contact from their social worker or independent reviewing officer (IRO). A social work assistant will also provide support and advice. Your social worker will be in regular contact and provide supervision weekly for at least 6 weeks.
Therapeutic support
A therapist from the Special Guardianship and Therapeutic Support Team will help you understand and manage your child's behaviour. We can arrange direct therapy sessions if your child needs them.
Training and support groups
You'll have access to support groups and training, including those focused on caring for teenagers. There's also a special support group for Step Across to Fostering carers, led by one of our therapists.
Support from experienced foster carers
Up to 15 hours a week of support from an experienced foster carer who will work with the child and support you.
Out of hours support
Our out of hours services prioritise calls from carers in the Step Across to Fostering programme.
Respite support
You can access 3 days of respite support per month through one of our other foster carers.
We also offer competitive payments. Once a match is confirmed, you'll get a weekly retainer payment to:
- hold the child's place in your home
- recognise the work you'll need to do to prepare.
Once the child moves into your family, you'll get a weekly:
- maintenance
- reward payment
- complex payment
- additional incentive payments totalling £15,000 over an 18 month period.
Join the programme
We invite you to learn more about the Step Across to Fostering programme and consider becoming part of this life-changing journey for our children. Together, we can offer vulnerable children the hope and security of a loving home.
Here's a video of one of our foster carers, James, who supported a child on the Step Across to Fostering programme: