As a Kent County Council supported homes host, you’ll be supported with all the skills and training you need to really make a difference to young people’s lives.
We have development pathways for all of our host families, each with training opportunities on a range of subjects that are tailored to suit your needs and circumstances.
We'll also invite you to conferences, where guest speakers will talk about subjects that are relevant to your role, providing a great joint training opportunity for hosts and staff.
Training timeline
Initial training
During your assessment as a host family, you will complete a pre panel training course (spread over two half days) which includes eLearning on Safe Care.
Year 1
You will complete the year 1 core training, which includes:
- Transition to Independence
- eLearning Safeguarding and Child Protection
- eLearning Safeguarding against Radicalisation the Prevent Duty.
Year 2
You will complete additional core training, which includes:
- Managing Challenging Behaviour
- First Aid Training.
Alternatively, you can complete the modules as 2 eLearning courses.
Year 3 and onwards
You can complete either of the following:
- 2 training courses (virtually or face to face)
- 2 eLearning courses.
Further training
An additional face to face course is available, which covers:
- eSafety
- Street Based Gangs
- Drugs Awareness
- Moving In and Moving On
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Awareness.
Ongoing support
We have over 40 eLearning subjects to help you support young people, including:
- Attachments and Loss
- Communicating with Children and Young People
- Equality and Diversity
- Food Nutrition and Associated Behaviours
- Healing Environments
- Positive Parenting Techniques for Parents and Carers
- Resilience and Recovery
- Vulnerable children having vulnerable children
- Youth Justice system
- Young People who run away from Social Care
- Police Interviews – your role
- Bereavement
- Emotional Coaching
- Impulsive Behaviours
- Self-Harming Behaviours
- The impact of Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Food Hygiene
- Infection Control
- Online Safety and Cyberbullying
- Social Media Selfies and Sexting.